Host plants:
The larvae feed on some Asteraceae, mainly Aster amellus, Aster linosyris and Solidago virgaureae.
Cucullia asteris inhabits dry and warm edges of limestone grasslands, steppe slopes as well as woodland edges, margins and clearcuttings.
Life cycle:
The pupa hibernates. the moths occur between mid-May and August. The larvae are observed between late June and September with peak in August. Thes stay on the plants during the day and can locally reach high abundances.
Endangerment factors:
Cucullia asteris suffers from dark forest management and has moreover already lost many sites due to the decreasement of nutrient-poor grasslands. Cucullia asteris is still a bit more frequent especially in open moutain woodland that is interspersed with cattle pastures.
Cucullia asteris is found from Central Europe to W-China. It lacks Southern Europe in most regions (but occurs in the Pyrenees).