Moma alpium (Osbeck, 1778)

Moma alpium: Adult (e.l. Memmingen, Southern Germany) [S] Moma alpium: Already somewhat worn adult (e.l. Upper Rhine 2011) [S] Moma alpium: Young larva (eastern Swabian Alb) [M] Moma alpium: Half-grown larva [M] Moma alpium: Larva (Memmingen, Southern Germany) [M] Moma alpium: Larva [S] Moma alpium: Larva (Memmingen, Southern Germany) [M] Moma alpium: Larva (e.l. eastern Swabian Alb) [S]

Host plants:
The larvae live on oak species such as Quercus robur. They are rarely also reported from Fagus sylvatica and other tree species.

Moma alpium inhabits warm oak forests, forest mantle structures, parks and grasslands with single oak trees.

Life cycle:
The pupa hibernates. The adults occur from mid-May to mid-July (rarely later) and oviposit often in small groups at oak. I found the caterpillars especially in July/early August on sunny oaks resting on the underside of leaves.

Endangerment factors:
Moma alpium has already been pushed back through dark forest management with spruce, beech and maple species. But it is overall still not seriously threatened.

Moma alpium is widespread in Europe (excluding the far north) and temperate Asia to Japan.

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