Host plants:
The caterpillar lives on Lonicera species, especially Lonicera xylosteum.
Calliergis ramosa colonized undergrowth rich forests and adjoining hedge areas preferably in the (middle) mountain ranges.
Life cycle:
The pupa hibernates. The moths fly from May to late July. The caterpillar lives mainly from June to August or September and is well camouflaged on the branches.
Endangerment: regionally endangered or decreasing
Endangerment factors:
Undergrowth rich forests are increasingly rare. But in mountainous areas (Alps) the risk is still low.
Calliergis ramosa is distributed locally in Southern and Central Europe. Here it prefers the mountains. To the north, it reaches only Central France and the German Uplands. In Asia, only a few reliable records are known such as from northern Iran.