Catocala hymenaea ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Catocala hymenaea: Adult (e.l. N-Greece 2008) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Adult in resting posture [S] Catocala hymenaea: Adult (e.l. N-Greece, Siatista, larva in May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Adult (e.l. N-Greece, Siatista, larva in May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Young larva (N-Greece, Vatochori, Florina, May 2008) [M] Catocala hymenaea: Half-grown larva [S] Catocala hymenaea: Half-grown larva [S] Catocala hymenaea: Larva [S] Catocala hymenaea: Larva (e.l. Northern Greece, Florina, May 2008) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Half-grown larva (N-Greece, Siatista, May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Half-grown larva (N-Greece, Siatista, May 2014) [M] Catocala hymenaea: Half-grown larva (N-Greece, Siatista, May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Larva (e.l. N-Greece, Siatista, larva in May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Larva (e.l. N-Greece, Siatista, larva in May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Larva (e.l. N-Greece, Siatista, larva in May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Larva (e.l. N-Greece, Siatista, larva in May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Larva (e.l. N-Greece, Siatista, larva in May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Larva (e.l. N-Greece, Siatista, larva in May 2014) [S] Catocala hymenaea: Pupa [S] Catocala hymenaea: Habitat in the region of the lakes of Prespa (N-Greece, Vatochori, May 2008) [N] Catocala hymenaea: Larval habitat with Prunus spinosa in N-Greece (Siatista) in May 2014 [N]

Host plants:
The larvae feed on Prunus species (Prunus spinosa and others).

I found caterpillars on grazed steppe slopes in Northern Greece that were interspersed with oak and Prunus groves, where Pyrgus cinarae, Iphiclides podalirius and Satyrium acaciae occurred. In general, more or less all sunny and hot, grove-rich areas with Prunus should be suitable for Catocala hymenaea..

Life cycle:
The caterpillars usually hatch in late March or in April out of the hibernated. The caterpillars reach maturity in late May or June. The moths fly in July and August.

Endangerment factors:
Catocala hymenaea is likely to be at risk only slightly (overall decline of extensively managed or unused structures especially due to ever further expansion of agricultural fields).

Catocala hymenaea is distributed from eastern Austria to the Balkans and the Black Sea. From here, the spread extends in Asia to the Altai.

Catocala conjuncta | Catocala conversa | Catocala dilecta | Catocala disjuncta | Catocala electa | Catocala eutychea | Catocala fraxini | Catocala fulminea | Catocala lupina | Catocala nupta | Catocala nymphaea | Catocala nymphagoga | Catocala promissa | Catocala puerpera | Catocala separata | Catocala sponsa 
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