Host plants:
The species is polyphagous on deciduous woods and many kinds of plants of the herb layer. Of all Orthosia she is most commonly found near the ground on herbs. I found them on Filipendula, Epilobium, Medicago and once in the Valais in masses on flowers of Trifolium pratense.
Orthosia gracilis inhabits almost all not too intensively managed habitats (no manure meadows). I found the caterpillars, that live except in last instar in webbed shelters of leaves or between flowers, often along streams on Filipendula ulmaria (near Memmingen) or in the vicinity of a forest on Trifolium.
Life cycle:
The moths overwinter far developed in the chrysalis and emerge from March to May. The caterpillars are found mostly between May and late June or early July.
Endangerment factors:
Orthosia gracilis is not endangered.
Orthosia gracilis is widespread in Europe (except in the extreme north and south) and temperate Asia.