Idaea dimidiata (Hufnagel, 1767)

Idaea dimidiata: Adult (Illerbeuren near Memmingen, garden, July 2010) [M]

Host plants:
The species lives as a caterpillar probably close to the ground in the herb and litter layer around woods.

Idaea dimidiata is an inhabitant of wetlands such as river valleys, shrubbery rich wet meadows, swamps, humid forest edges and similar places. It penetrates into favourable regions (such as in Upper Swabia) in the human residential areas, where it is expected to develop in the gardens.

Life cycle:
The moths fly from May to September in one or two generations. In just one generation, the maximum is usually between late June and late July.

Idaea dimidiata is distributed from north Africa across Europe and parts of Asia and allegedly also in North America (Holarctic distribution pattern).

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