Host plants:
According to rearing experience, the larvae feed polyphagously on flowers, fresh and wilted parts, especially of Asteraceae and often Fabaceae.
Cleta filacearia inhabits flowery, nutrient-poor grassland and extensively managed pastures between about 500 and 2000m asl which can be both dry or humid. I met the adults very often in xerothermous limestone pastures in N-Greece (Siatista).
Life cycle:
The moths occur in mainly one generation between late April and July. They are diurnal. The larva seems to hibernate quite fully-grown.
Cleta filacearia occurs in S- and SE-Europe, but is usually very local. It extends to the east to central Asia.
Hints on determination:
Cleta filacearia can be distinguished from similar Idaea species due to the bipectinate antennae in males.