Host plants:
The larva feeds polyphagously on herbs and shrubs, often on Apiaceae. I recorded it on Coridothymus capitatus in Samos Island and on Dorycnium (Fabaceae) in Lower Austria.
Phaiogramma etruscaria inhabits dry and warm habitats like garigues, fallow land or rocky slopes.
Life cycle:
The moths most often occur in three to four generations between April and October. In higher altitudes (up to about 1500m) and at the Northern edge usually only two generations are found between Mai and August. I recorded a young larva in Samos Island in mid-May 2017.
Phaiogramma etruscaria occurs from N-Africa (locally) and S-Europe to Central Asia. In Europe it is found northward to southern Central France, the southern foothills of the Alps, E-Austria, S-Slovakia and Hungary.