Agrochola helvola (Linnaeus, 1758)

Agrochola helvola: Adult (e.l. Memmingen 2010) [S] Agrochola helvola: Larva (May 2010, Memmingen, Southern Germany) [M] Agrochola helvola: Larva (May 2010, Memmingen, Southern Germany) [M] Agrochola helvola: Pupa [S]

Host plants:
The caterpillar lives polyphagous on herbaceous plants, grasses and young woods.

Agrochola helvola inhabits extensive areas from not too xerothermic grasslands over mesophilic edges to fens, stream margins and other little mown habitats.

Life cycle:
The moths fly from late August to early November. The eggs overwinter. The caterpillar lives from April to June. I found it, for example, near Memmingen in one of the last nutrient-poor grassland embankments in the catchment area of the river Iller close to the ground resting on a blade of grass in the evening in late May.

Agrochola helvola is widespread in Europe and is also found in parts of temperate Asia.

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