Host plants:
The larvae feed on Thalictrum species, especially Th. minus.
Panchrysia v-argenteum inhabits sunny rocky slopesand open, sunny steppe woodlands.
Life cycle:
The moths usually occur only in one generation between late June to August. The caterpillars hibernate small and grow slower than those of P. deaurata. They are mature in late May or june.
Endangerment factors:
Panchrysia v-argenteum is threatened by the same factors as P. deaurata.
Panchrysia v-argenteum occurs locally in mountains from the Pyrenees across the Alps and to the Balkans (Carpathians, Greek Olympus) and to S-Russia. In the Alps, it is more common in the south, but generally penetrates further north as P. deaurata and even reaches locally the northern limestone Alps (e.g. Salzburg). The same applies for eastern Europe where S-Poland is reached.