Oligia strigilis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Oligia strigilis: Adult (e.l. S-Germany, Upper Rhine 2012) [S] Oligia strigilis: Adult (e.l. S-Germany, Upper Rhine 2012) [S] Oligia strigilis: Adult (e.l. Memmingen, Southern Germany) [S] Oligia strigilis: Adult (e.l. Iller near Memmingen, Southern Germany) [S] Oligia strigilis: Adult (e.l. Iller near Memmingen, Southern Germany) [S] Oligia strigilis: Larva [M] Oligia strigilis: Larva [M] Oligia strigilis: Larva (Memmingen, Southern Germany) [S] Oligia strigilis: Larva drilled in a blade [M]

Host plants:
The caterpillar feeds on grasses. I found the caterpillars most often in late winter and early spring (February to early April) in ground-near shoots of Dactylus glomerata.

Oligia strigilis is present in almost all grass-rich areas: gardens, meadows, grasslands, forest edges etc.

Life cycle:
The caterpillar overwinters and can be found by pulling the ground level, overwintering shoots of grasses in the winter/spring. The moths fly in a single generation from mid-May to early August.

Oligia strigilis is extremely variable in colour. The animal is widespread and often common in Europe and temperate Asia to Western China.

Oligia latruncula | Oligia versicolor 
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