Scotopteryx coarctaria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)

Scotopteryx coarctaria: Adult (May 2010, Askio mountains, Northern Greece) [N] Scotopteryx coarctaria: Adult (May 2010, Askion, Northern Greece) [N] Scotopteryx coarctaria: Habitat in Northern Greece: nutrient-poor grassland in the Askio mountains, May 2010. [N]

Host plants:
The caterpillars live primarily on Fabaceae (broom, sainfoin, etc.).

Scotopteryx coarctaria inhabits hot calcareous grasslands and sandy heaths. I found moths in May 2010 in Northern Greece (Askio Mountains) in a bush-rich grassland.

Life cycle:
The caterpillars hibernate fully-grown and the moths fly in spring (April to June).

Endangerment: endangered

Endangerment factors:
Scotopteryx coarctaria is endangered due to habitat loss, in Central Europe even highly threatened.

Scotopteryx coarctaria is found mainly in Southern Europe. In Central Europe it occurs only very locally, for example in sandy grasslands around Berlin.

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