Charissa staudingeri (Wnukowsky, 1929)

Synonyms/other combinations:
Charissa dubitaria staudingeri (Wnukowsky, 1929)

Charissa staudingeri: Male (Greece, Samos Island, Ireon, April 2015) [M] Charissa staudingeri: Male (Greece, Samos Island, Ireon, April 2015) [M] Charissa staudingeri: Half-grown larva (Greece, Itea near Delphi, early May 2016) [M] Charissa staudingeri: Larva (Greece, Itea near Delphi, early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Larva (Greece, Itea near Delphi, early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Larva (Greece, Itea near Delphi, early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Larva (Greece, Itea near Delphi, early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Larva (Greece, Itea near Delphi, early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Larva (Greece, Itea near Delphi, early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Larva (Greece, Itea near Delphi, early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Larva (Greece, Itea near Delphi, early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Pupa (e.l. rearing, Greece, Itea near Delphi, larva in early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Pupa (e.l. rearing, Greece, Itea near Delphi, larva in early May 2016) [S] Charissa staudingeri: Larval habitat with Euphorbia acanthothamnus (Itea near Delphi, Central Greece, early May 2016) [N] Charissa staudingeri: Larval habitat with Euphorbia acanthothamnus (Itea near Delphi, Central Greece, early May 2016) [N] Charissa staudingeri: Larval habitat with Euphorbia acanthothamnus (Itea near Delphi, Central Greece, early May 2016) [N]

Host plants:
The larvae are polyphagous on herbs and dwarf shrubs of rocks and dry grasslands. I recorded 10 larvae on Euphorbia acanthothamnus in a rocky embankment along a road in Central Greece (Itea, early May 2016).

Charissa staudingeri inhabits rocky habitats, garigues and stony dry grasslands.

Life cycle:
The moths occur in several generations especially in spring and autumn. In summer, a part of the pupae (or larvae?) should go in aestivation dormancy.

Charissa staudingeri occurs from Greece (mainland and some islands like Crete and Samos) to Asia Minor and the Near and Middle East.

Charissa staudingeri is often treated as a subspecies of Ch. dubitaria.

Hints on determination:
The male antennae are much longer dentate than in Ch. subtaurica.

ritsch, D., Stangelmaier, G., Top-Jensen, M., Bech, K. (2014): Die nachtaktive Großschmetterlingsfauna von Samos (Griechenland, Östliche Ägäis) (Lepidoptera: Cossoidea, Lasiocampoidea, Bombycoidea, Drepanoidea, Geometroidea, Noctuoidea). — Esperiana, Buchreihe zur Entomologie, Bad Staffelstein, Band 19: 7-101.

Charissa glaucinaria | Charissa intermedia | Charissa obscurata | Charissa pullata | Charissa subtaurica | Charissa variegata