Catarhoe cuculata (Hufnagel, 1767)

Catarhoe cuculata: Adult (e.l. eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany) [S] Catarhoe cuculata: Half-grown larva (eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany, early July 2009) [M] Catarhoe cuculata: Half-grown larva (eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany, early July 2009) [M] Catarhoe cuculata: Larva (eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany, July 2009) [S] Catarhoe cuculata: Larva (eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany, July 2009) [S] Catarhoe cuculata: Larva (eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany, July 2009) [S]

Host plants:
The caterpillar lives on Galium and Asperula species (Rubiaceae).

Catarhoe cuculata inhabits forest edges with Galium sylvaticum, grasslands with Galium album and G. verum, ditches, wetlands and other extensive habitats.

Life cycle:
Catarhoe cuculata usually flies in two generations from late April to September. In higher or cooler areas there is only a single generation from late May to Augsut while in very warm regions a partial third generation is added.

The caterpillars are usually found from June to September. The pupa overwinters.

Catarhoe cuculata ioccurs in Europe and temperate Asia to the Amur.

Catarhoe hortulanaria | Catarhoe rubidata