Host plants:
I recorded larvae on Moehringia muscosa (Caryophyllaceae). According to literature, they are polyphagous, but prefer Caryophyllaceae.
I found Camptogramma scripturata inhabits in shady mountain woodlands with good portions of rocks. It is often found in gorges. According to Literature (The Geometrid moths of Europe, vol. 3), Camptogramma scripturata inhabits dry, hot and open rocky or grassy sites.
Life cycle:
In Southern Germany (Allgaeu Alps, Hinterstein, 1000m asl), I recorded mature larvae in 2014 (early spring) already in June (22. June), but in 2013 (cold spring) in mid-July (12. July). They can be found in the loose pads of their host plants also during daytime. The moths occur between July and mid-September with peak in early August. The larva hibernates.
Camptogramma scripturata occurs according to present knowledge in the Alps, in Slovakia, the Carpathians and in the Apeninnes and lokal in the Balkans (not in Greece except eastern Rhodopes).