Abraxas sylvata (Scopoli, 1763)

Abraxas sylvata: Adult [S] Abraxas sylvata: Adult (Adelegg, S-Germany) [N] Abraxas sylvata: Young larva (eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany, August 2010) [M] Abraxas sylvata: Half-grown larva (penultimate instar, eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany, September 2010) [M] Abraxas sylvata: Larva in penultimate instar (eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany, September 2011) [M] Abraxas sylvata: Larva (Adelegg, S-Germany) [N] Abraxas sylvata: Larva [N] Abraxas sylvata: Pupa [S] Abraxas sylvata: Larval habitat on the eastern Swabian Alb, Southern Germany (forest slope with Ulmus glabra, September 2010) [N]

Host plants:
The larva lives almost exclusivly on Ulmus sp. (in particular Ulmus glabra) and Prunus padus. Occasionally the species lives on other deciduous woods (e.g. Corylus).

Abraxas sylvata lives especially in humid forests such as flood plains, woody gorges, hillside forests or streamlet valleys in mountain regions.

Life cycle:
The pupa hibernates and the moth is on the wing from late May to late August with culmination from late June to July. The caterpillars can be observed especially in August and September and conceal themselves underneath the leaves. They can be found by searching for the feeding pattern on young elms.

Endangerment: endangered

Endangerment factors:
Humid, extensively managed deciduous woods are decreasing due to e.g. dense afforesations and intense management. Moreover the important hostplant Ulmus has suffered severely from the elm disease.

Abraxas sylvata occurs from Northern Spain to eastern Asia. Abraxas sylvata is lacking in the Mediterranean basin.

Abraxas grossulariata