Poecilimon zimmeri inhabits mountain slopes that are interspersed with herbs and dwarf shrub. On Mount Tymfi I observed a few individuals together with numerous P. jonicus.
Near Delfi I recorded Poecilimon zimmeri in herb-rich edges with Phlomis, Scrophularia and many others as well as in garigues or pastures on stony slopes.
Life cycle:
Near Delfi the adults could be found already in early May, but in higher altitudes (above app. 1200m) not until June. Poecilimon zimmeri should live up to early July in lower elevations, but still in August in higher ones.
Poecilimon zimmeri occurs in northern and Central Greece: west side of Pindos range from Mount Tymfi in the north southward to the mountains south of Karpenisi, to Mount Parnassos and to the northern half of the Peloponnese.