Poecilimon miramae Ramme, 1933

Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Male (e.l. rearing, NE-Thrace, larva in late May 2019) [S] Poecilimon miramae: Habitat (NE-Thrace, larvae, late May 2019) [N] Poecilimon miramae: Habitat (NE-Thrace, larvae, late May 2019) [N]

Poecilimon miramae inhabits especially slightly humid forb communities. I recorded in in a site dominated by Sambucus ebulus, thistles and nettles.

Life cycle:
The adults occur mostly in June (partly already in late May) and July. In late May 2019 I only observed larvae.

Poecilimon miramae occurs in W-Turkey, E-Bulgaria and northeasternmost Greece (here very local, only one known site in northeasternmost Thrace).

Poecilimon miramae belongs to the Poecilimon bosphoricus group.

Poecilimon affinis | Poecilimon amissus | Poecilimon ampliatus | Poecilimon artedentatus | Poecilimon brunneri | Poecilimon chopardi | Poecilimon cretensis | Poecilimon ebneri | Poecilimon ege | Poecilimon elegans | Poecilimon erimanthos | Poecilimon fussii | Poecilimon gerlindae | Poecilimon gracilis | Poecilimon hamatus | Poecilimon hoelzeli | Poecilimon intermedius | Poecilimon jonicus | Poecilimon laevissimus | Poecilimon macedonicus | Poecilimon mariannae | Poecilimon mytilenensis | Poecilimon nobilis | Poecilimon obesus | Poecilimon orbelicus | Poecilimon ornatus | Poecilimon pergamicus | Poecilimon propinquus | Poecilimon sanctipauli | Poecilimon schmidtii | Poecilimon superbus | Poecilimon sureyanus | Poecilimon thessalicus | Poecilimon thoracicus | Poecilimon turcicus | Poecilimon veluchianus | Poecilimon werneri | Poecilimon zimmeri | Poecilimon zwicki