Chorthippus biguttulus colonizes almost all open habitats and also forest clearings. But in agricultural meadows it is found rarely in completely over-fertilized areas, but more in extensively managed areas or edges. Chorthippus biguttulus occurs in the wetland area only in small elevated and thus somewhat drier areas such as roadsides or embankments. It also can be found in rarely mowed parks and gardens. High abundances are reached especially in moderately dense and higher growing calcareous grasslands.
Life cycle:
The adults appear from June to October, rarely still in November.
Endangerment factors:
Chorthippus biguttulus is one of the most common grasshopper species and not endangered.
Chorthippus biguttulus can be distinguished from similar species with narrow tympanal opening based on the very distinctive, warbling singing. The distribution extends from the Pyrenees across Central Europe well into Asia. In Italy and the southern Alps it is represented by the close relative Chorthippus eisentrauti.