Erebia sudetica Staudinger, 1861

Erebia sudetica: Male (e.o. Grindelwald, Switzerland, 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: Male (e.o. Grindelwald 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: Female (e.o. Grindelwald 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: Female-lower side [S] Erebia sudetica: Female(Grindelwald, Switzerland, July 2008) [N] Erebia sudetica: Adult at Polygonum bistorta (Grindelwald, Switzerland, July 2008) [N] Erebia sudetica: Freshly deposited ovum (Grindelwald, July 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: Ovum after some days [S] Erebia sudetica: L1 [S] Erebia sudetica: L1 (e.o. Grindelwald 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: L1 [S] Erebia sudetica: L2 [S] Erebia sudetica: L2 [S] Erebia sudetica: Larva in penultimate instar (e.o. Grindelwald 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: Larva after the last moult  [S] Erebia sudetica: Larva in last instar (e.o. Grindelwald 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: Larva in last instar [S] Erebia sudetica: Larva in last instar lateral (e.o. Grindelwald 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: Pupa, heavily sketched [S] Erebia sudetica: Pupa dorsal, heavily sketched [S] Erebia sudetica: Pupa, weakly sketched (e.o. Grindelwald 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: Pupa, weakly sketched (e.o. Grindelwald 2008) [S] Erebia sudetica: Habitat near Grindelwald (Switzerland), July 2008 [N] Erebia sudetica: Habitat near Grindelwald (Switzerland), July 2008 [N] Erebia sudetica: Habitat near Grindelwald (Switzerland), July 2008 [N]

Host plants:
The larvae feed on grasses (sedges and Poaceae).

Erebia sudetica inhabits often wet meadows with Boloria titania and much Polygonum bistorta. But occasionally also drier meadows and pastures are populated.

Life cycle:
The caterpillar overwinters in the second instar (literature) and is mature until June or early July. The adults fly especially in July and still until mid or late August. The butterflies are often numerous encountered sucking at Polygonum bistorta (Switzerland).

Endangerment factors:
Some local localities are threatened by agricultural intensification. So Erebia sudetica has surely already been pushed back around Grindelwald (Switzerland) from many sites by tourism and agriculture.

Erebia sudetica occurs in the French Massif Central, locally in the Alps (Grindelwald, Grenoble) and more widespread in the Carpathians and Sudetes. In most areas of the Alps, it was superseded by the sibling species Erebia melampus.

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