Erebia rhodopensis Nicholl, 1900

Erebia rhodopensis: Male (Bulgaria, Rila, early August 2013, 2400m asl) [N] Erebia rhodopensis: Male (Bulgaria, Rila, early August 2013, 2400m asl) [N] Erebia rhodopensis: Male (Bulgaria, Rila, early August 2013, 2400m asl) [N] Erebia rhodopensis: Male (Bulgaria, Rila, early August 2013, 2400m asl) [N] Erebia rhodopensis: Male (Bulgaria, Rila, early August 2013, 2400m asl) [N] Erebia rhodopensis: Female (Bulgaria, Rila, early August 2013, 2400m asl) [N] Erebia rhodopensis: Egg (e.o. Rila mountains 2013) [S] Erebia rhodopensis: Egg after some days (e.o. Rila mountains 2013) [S] Erebia rhodopensis: Hatched larva (e.o.Rila mountains 2013) [S] Erebia rhodopensis: Habitat in the Rila mountains in Bulgaria in early August 2013. [N] Erebia rhodopensis: Habitat in the Rila mountains in Bulgaria in early August 2013. [N] Erebia rhodopensis: Habitat in the Rila mountains in Bulgaria in early August 2013. [N] Erebia rhodopensis: Habitat in the Rila mountains in Bulgaria in early August 2013. The species inhabits only the highest altitudes which are characterized by the scarce vegetation. Erebia orientalis was found slightly lower and penetrated also into the pine zone. Additional species were Erebia ottomana, E. euryale, E. oeme, Boloria graeca and Euphydryas cynthia. [N]

Host plants:
The larvae feed on grasses.

Erebia rhodopensis inhabits sunny, steep and grassy slopes above the timberline which show a mix of denser and scarcer vegetated areas.

Life cycle:
The larva hibernates twice. The adults appear from July to August and are usually very shy. I watched especially males feeding on Dianthus flowers in the Rila mountains.

Endangerment factors:
Erebia rhodopensis should be endangered only little thanks to the high altitudes. Potential threats could be climatic change and also future touristic development.

Erebia rhodopensis is endemic to the mountains of the Balkan peninsula (altitudes between 1800 and 2900m asl) and is close to Erebia aethiopiella (SW-Alps). Erebia rhodopensis is found especially in Bulgaria, but locally also in Macedonia, S-Serbia, S-Albania and N-Greece (on mount Grammos).

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