Podisma dechambrei inhabits Alpine meadows, pastures, dwarf shrub heathland, screes and rocky places between 1000 and 2200m.
Podisma dechambrei occurs from the French southern Alps across the Italian Alpi marittime to the northern Apeninnes east of Florence.
Podisma dechambrei resembles somewhat a transition form of Podisma amedegnatoae and P. pedestris. The dotting of the dorsal female abdomen is quite variable. Near the Refuge de la Madone de Fenestre (SE-France) nearly all females showed a dotting, but on Colle di Tende (Italy/France) only a few and only partially. This indicates hybridization belts. Also in Podisma pedestris some individuals (e.g. SE-Switzerland) show short tegmina.