Miramella alpina (Kollar, 1833)

Miramella alpina: Male (western German Alps, August 2012) [N] Miramella alpina: Female (western German Alps, August 2012) [N] Miramella alpina: Female (Allgäu Alps, Hinterstein, S-Germany, 1700m asl, August 2013) [N] Miramella alpina: Copulation (northern Alps) [N] Miramella alpina: Copulation (northern Alps) [N] Miramella alpina: Male (Alps) [N] Miramella alpina: Female (Alps) [N] Miramella alpina: Mating (Grindelwald, July 2008) [N] Miramella alpina: Mating [N] Miramella alpina: Male [N] Miramella alpina: Male [N] Miramella alpina: Female [N] Miramella alpina: Female [N] Miramella alpina: Habitat: alpine Staudenflur with Adenostyles (W-Austrian Alps, Montafon) [N] Miramella alpina: Habitat in a forb community in the Austrian Alps (Rätikon, Lüner See, July 2011) [N] Miramella alpina: Habitat in the western German Alps (August 2012) [N]

The species feeds on grasses, herbs, dwarf shrubs and occasionally also lichens and mosses. It is often found on Petasites or Adenostyles.

Miramella alpina inhabits montane to alpine meadows, tall herb vegetation, clearings and clearcutting corridors. It occurs more in higher growing vegetation.

Life cycle:
Adults occur from late June to October.

In Germany Miramella alpina occurs only in a few mountain ranges (Black Forest, Bavarian Forest) and in the Alps (even in the foothills, e.g. Adelegg in southeastern Baden-Württemberg). In the northern Alps, it is widespread and common.

The total, quite disjunct distribution ranges from the Pyrenees across the Alps and adjacent lower mountain ranges (Vosges, Swiss Jura and Southern Germany) to the Carpathians. In the Southern Alps, as in Ticino, there occur other similar species (Miramella formosanta).

Miramella carinthiaca | Miramella formosanta | Miramella irena