I recorded Rhacocleis buchichii together with Pachytrachis frater along a sunny to semi-shady forest road through Pinus nigra woodland in Croatia (Biokovo National Park near Makarska). Young Pinus plants, Rubus, herbs, Pinus litter, stones and open soil dominated there.
The originally known sites in the Dalmatian islands are located much lower (up to 50m NN) and in more grassy areas.
Life cycle:
I found adults in mid-October 2015 (Biokovo). They rest on the ground, also in Pinus shrub.
Endangerment factors:
Rhacocleis buchichii is severely endangered in the islands (tourism, streets, etc.). The new site (Biokovo) seems to be less threatened, but could suffer from potential forest fires.
Rhacocleis buchichii has only a very limited known distribution range in Central Dalmatia (Croatia). It has been known with certainty so far only from two sites on two Adriatic islands (Hvar and Brac). I recorded Rhacocleis buchichii surprisingly on the neighbouring mainland in Biokovo National Park near Makarska in October 2015.