Anonconotus alpinus inhabits sunny alpine meadows and gappy dwarf shrub slopes from 1200 to over 2300m above sea level
Life cycle:
The eggs overwinter in the moss or the top soil layer, probably several times. Adults occur from July to October.
Endangerment factors:
Anonconotus alpinus is in higher elevations only locally endangered, but in lower altitudes much more (tourism, intensification, reforestation).
Anonconotus alpinus is missing in Germany and can be found in the western Alps (W-Switzerland, northern French Alps, NW-Italy: Aosta). Furthermore it occurs isolated on the Austrian Arlberg.
In the East Alps (Italy/Austria: S- and E-Tyrol, Carinthia, S-Salzburg) closely related populations occur. These are nowadays usually considered as a distinct species A. italoaustriacus. This depends on the point of view (species vs. subspecies) and in my opinion the subspecies rank may be sufficient.