Calliphona alluaudi inhabits laurel forests, but also bushy agricultural land, barrancos, mountain slopes and other places that are comparatively rich in vegetation. It is found exclusively in the centre and north of Gran Canaria.
Life cycle:
Adults may occur throughout most of the year, most often from spring to summer/autumn. In laurel forests or in higher altitudes adults are audible also in winter. In early January 2019 I recorded larvae in Barrancos near the coast (NW Gran Canaria), but also heard many males in another site in a laurel woodland.
The larvae often sit from near the ground up to 2 metres on herbs and bushes (1 on Rumex lunaria, 1 on Oxalis, 1 on Sonchus, 1 observed on an Echium-bush).
Calliphona alluaudi is endemic to Gran Canaria (Canaries, Spain).