Podismopsis styriaca occurs in Alpine grasslands and pastures between 1800 and 2200m which are usually rich in ground-covering dwarf-shrubs (e.g. Loiseleuria procumbens), reasonable humid and often bumpy.
Life cycle:
Podismopsis styriaca is adult between July and early October. Companion species are most often Miramella carinthiaca, Omocestus viridulus and Chorthippus parallelus.
Podismopsis styriaca is endemic to Austria and is only found on Mount Zirbitzkogel (Styria) and its adjacent ridge towards the South up to Klippitztörl (Carinthia).
Koschuh, A. (2008): Podismopsis styriaca nov.sp. (Orthoptera, Acridinae) ein Endemit im Ostalpenraum.- Linzer biol. Beitr. 40/1: 627-638.
Pucher, G.M. (2014): Erstnachweis der Steirischen Goldschrecke (Podismopsis styriaca, Koschuh 2008) für Kärnten.- Carinthia II (Klagenfurt), 204./124. Jahrgang, S. 585–588.