Host plants:
The larvae feed on sorrels like especially R. acetosella. But this is not well proved in the field. It is further to investigate if also Helianthemum plays a role.
Adscita jordani inhabits especially extensively managed grasslands and pastures from hilly areas upt to the mountains of the Iberian Peninsula. Compared to A. schmidti Adscita jordani penetrates much more into dry and hot habitats.
Life cycle:
The moths occur very early between April and July, according to region and altitude. They are often much earlier than A. schmidti. But there are also records of both species at the same time. The larvae hibernate. They additionally enter an aestivation approximately between July and September - presumably an adaptation to dry environments in summer. They restart feeding in autumn. Presumably they interrupt development in winter only in cold periods or high altitudes for a longer time.
Adscita jordani is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. Adscita jordani belongs more probably to the A. mannii/geryon group than to A. statices and A. schmidti. A genital preparation is indicated for proper determination (as it is the case in many foresters), even if the early flight time and the more hairy body (see photos) give hints in this species.