Host plants:
The larva feeds on grasses. In Provence I observed a larva on Festuca ovina agg. (Massif de la Sainte Baume). In Spain I recorded oviposition on a Brachypodium species.
Coenonympha dorus inhabits rocky or stony slopes, maquis and its degradation stages, pastures, road side verges and other grassy biotopes with open soil. It is quite demanding in Southern France, but almost ubiquitous in dry habitats in parts of Spain (e.g. Sierras of east Spain).
Life cycle:
The larva hibernates and is mature between late May and June. I observed it still small in early May in Southern France (Provence, 1000m asl). The adults are on the wing between June and August (according to altitude). I recorded fresh individuals quite abundant in mid/late July 2013 in eastern Spain (600-1000m asl). In late August 2013 I still observed only a few worn individuals in Sierra de Albarracin in 1700m asl.
Oviposition takes place near the ground. The hatched larvae undergo an aestivation (some weeks) and start growing in early autumn.
Coenonympha dorus occurs from North Africa across the Iberian Peninsula and Southern France to Italy. But in Italy it is very local and scarce (e.g. in central parts of the Apennines). To the north it extends almost to Lyon in the French Rhone valley.