Host plants:
The caterpillar feeds on Rubus species, particularly on Rubus caesius (on which I found several larvae in S-Germany near Memmingen) and R. fruticosus agg.
Habrosyne pyritoides inhabits forests and shrubs such as dams and ruderal terrain which are overgrown with Rubus.
Life cycle:
Habrosyne pyritoides usually flies from late May to early August in a single generation. Rarely there is also a very partial second generation from August to early October. The larvae (mainly between July and September) are found much less than those of Thyatira batis because at least the last instar is only active at night. During daytime the larvae hide in litter on the ground or occasionally also in the inner of dense vegetation. Then they can be beaten from the vegation. Otherwise they are best accessed by searching with a torch at night.
Habrosyne pyritoides occurs in Europe except the extreme north and south. It is also found in temperate Asia to Japan.