Gampsocleis glabra inhabits nutrient-poor grasslands, heaths with Calluna and other mostly grazed habitats. Most sites are quite warm, but not hot and not too dry´(in the south more in mountain ranges). It is very important that there is no dense litter layer (e.g. when there is no more grazing).
Life cycle:
Gampsocleis glabra is adult between late June or July and early October. It is most often the Metrioptera roeseli-like, but stronger male stridulation that draws attention to Gampsocleis glabra.
Endangerment: threatened with extinction
Endangerment factors:
Gampsocleis glabra is highly endangered in Europe. It is already extinct in many places, especially in Central Europe. Main reason was habitat destruction due to afforestations, agricultural intensification, overbuilding and succession after abandonment. The still existing populations are mainly threatened by isolation and abandonment of traditional grazement (transhumance) and usage as military training ground. This will cause closed, dense vegetation and litter - not tolerable by this species.
Gampsocleis glabra occurs in Europe very locally from France eastwards. Somewhat more sites only exist in the southeastern parts (e.g. Romania) and small regions of southern France (southern Massif Central).