Scolitantides orion (Pallas, 1771)

Scolitantides orion: Adult (N-Greece, Olympus, 1900m asl, late June 2013) [N] Scolitantides orion: Male (Ticino, Switzerland) [N] Scolitantides orion: Upper side [S] Scolitantides orion: Female, black [N] Scolitantides orion: Lower side [S] Scolitantides orion: Female [S] Scolitantides orion: Portrait [S] Scolitantides orion: Ovum [N] Scolitantides orion: Ovum, detail [N] Scolitantides orion: Young larvae [S] Scolitantides orion: Young larva [S] Scolitantides orion: Larva [S] Scolitantides orion: Larva [S] Scolitantides orion: Larva [S] Scolitantides orion: Pupa [S] Scolitantides orion: Pupa [S] Scolitantides orion: Pupa [S] Scolitantides orion: Sedum maximum with eggs (Ticino) [N] Scolitantides orion: Habitat at a stony, bushy embankment (Ticino, Switzerland): many habitats are very unconspicuous [N]

Host plants:
The larva feeds on Sedum species, in Central Europe usually Sedum maximum, but also on Sedum album.

Scolitantides orion inhabits rocky slopes, stony walls, bushy, rocky grasslands, stony woodland edges and embankments, secondarily also vineyard walls etc.
I observed imagines and oviposition for example in the Alps in a rocky Apollo habitat on Sedum album.

Life cycle:
Scolitantides orion appears in one or two generations per year and fly from April to June, and again in July/August. The eggs are laid on the leaves. The pupa hibernates.

Endangerment: threatened with extinction

Endangerment factors:
Scolitantides orion is everywhere strongly endangered by succession and reforestation, intensifying (modern viticulture), quarrying and tourism. It is still more widespread in the Southern Alps.

Scolitantides orion occurs extremely local in the Iberian Peninsula, the eastern Pyrenees, parts of Central and Southern Europe (misses in most of Italy) and Asia to Japan.

Scolitantides barbagiae | Scolitantides baton | Scolitantides bavius | Scolitantides vicrama