Nycteola revayana (Scopoli, 1772)

Nycteola revayana: Adult (Schwäbisch Gmünd, e.l. 2010) [S] Nycteola revayana: Adult (e.l. Swabian Alb, Southern Germany). The species is so variable that you hardly find to individuals looking exact the same (contrary to N. degenerana). [S] Nycteola revayana: Adult (e.l. eastern Swabian Alb) [S] Nycteola revayana: Adult (e.l. Memmingen, Southern Germany) [S] Nycteola revayana: Larva (Swabian Alb, Southern Germany) [M] Nycteola revayana: Larva (Schwäbisch Gmünd, late August 2010) [M] Nycteola revayana: Larva (Schwäbisch Gmünd, late August 2010) [M] Nycteola revayana: Cocoon [S] Nycteola revayana: Pupa [S] Nycteola revayana: Habitat in a oak-rich grassland slope of the eastern Swabian Alb (records of larvae) [N]

Host plants:
The caterpillar lives on Quercus species (oak).

Nycteola revayana inhabits forests with oaks, but also individual trees in grasslands, along roads or in urban areas.

Life cycle:
Nycteola revayana flies mostly in two generations per year. The moths overwinter. Caterpillars occur in May and June and again between July and September. The caterpillars cover twig tips of young shoots with a loose weave. The caterpillars, which are derived from the second generation of moths are more or less dependent on fresh shoots from the end of June.

Nycteola revayana occurs from north Africa across Europe without the Far North to Central Asia (Afghanistan) and usually not uncommon in Central Europe.

Nycteola asiatica | Nycteola columbana | Nycteola degenerana | Nycteola siculana