Carnal food such as caterpillars, aphids and other insects.
Meconema thalassinum colonizes light forests, hedgerows, parks, shrubs and generally places with woody plants. Meconema thalassinum is often found on oaks, but is not limited to them. They can also be found on Prunus spinosa and many other deciduous trees and bushes.
Life cycle:
The eggs overwinter in bark crevices. Adults and larvae are found from late May until November most easily by tapping.
Endangerment factors:
Meconema thalassinum is not at risk and in Central Europe almost ubiquitous in the deciduous forest belt.
The total distribution extends from Northern Spain (locally) to the temperate Western Asia (Kaukasus). Meconema thalassinum is probably nowhere rare between France and the Black Sea. It occurs also in Ireland and England.In Greece it is fount to the south approximately to Olympus (own observations).