Zeuzera pyrina (Linnaeus, 1761)

Zeuzera pyrina: Adult (Northern Greece, May 2010) [N] Zeuzera pyrina: Adult (Northern Greece, May 2010) [N] Zeuzera pyrina: Adult (Northern Greece, May 2010) [N]

Host plants:
The caterpillar lives polyphagous in branches and stems of shrubs and mostly young trees, such as Salix, Malus, Pyrus, Fraxinus, Quercus and other deciduous woods. It was also found in mistletoe (Viscum album). The affected plants are recognizable by splinter and droppings at an ejection hole.

Zeuzera pyrina inhabits grove rich habitats of all kinds from stream edges to plantations and orchards.

Life cycle:
The caterpillar lives usually over several years in the branches. Pupation also takes place within the branches. The caterpillar prepares a emergence hole for the adult that is sealed with silk and splinter. The moths fly from May to September (maximum in June/July).

Zeuzera pyrina is widespread in north Africa and much of Europe.

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