Pontia edusa (Fabricius, 1776)

Pontia edusa: Adult (Northern Greece, Olympian Riviera, May 2010) [N] Pontia edusa: Adult (Northern Greece, Olympian Riviera, May 2010) [N] Pontia edusa: Adult (Northern Greece, Olympian Riviera, May 2010) [N] Pontia edusa: Female (Olympus, 2000m asl, late July 2012) [N] Pontia edusa: Oviposition (Olympian Riviera, Greece, May 2010) [N] Pontia edusa: Freshly deposited egg (Olympian Riviera, May 2010) [N] Pontia edusa: Freshly deposited egg (Olympian Riviera, May 2010) [N] Pontia edusa: Some days old egg [N] Pontia edusa: Some days old egg [N] Pontia edusa: Egg on Alyssum (Greece, Askio mountains near Siatista, early August 2012) [N] Pontia edusa: L1-larva (e.o. Northern Greece 2012) [S] Pontia edusa: L1-larva (e.o. Northern Greece 2012) [S] Pontia edusa: Young larva (Olympian Riviera, Greece, May 2010) [N] Pontia edusa: Young larva [N] Pontia edusa: Young larva [N] Pontia edusa: Half-grown larva [S] Pontia edusa: Larva [S] Pontia edusa: Larva [S] Pontia edusa: Larva cranial [S] Pontia edusa: Pupa [S] Pontia edusa: Pupa [S] Pontia edusa: Oviposition place: Cakile maritima (Brassicaceae) at the beach. Eggs had been deposited only on young, small plants. [N] Pontia edusa: Habitat on the beach (Northern Greece, May 2010). Such habitats are severely threatened by mass tourism and following infrastructure. [N]

Host plants:
The caterpillars live mostly on Brassicaceae or Resedaceae. In Northern Greece I watched eggs and caterpillars on Cakile maritima und Alyssum.

Pontia edusa inhabits many open, mostly dry warm habitats: coastal dunes, grasslands, rocky slopes, farmland.

Life cycle:
The adults fly in several generations from April to October. The caterpillars live from May to November. The pupa overwinters.

Pontia edusa is the eastern vicarious species of Pontia daplidice and apparently distributed as follows: Italy, Eastern Europe from central and northern Germany to the east, south-Eastern Europe (Balkans, etc.), the Middle East to east Asia

Pontia callidice | Pontia chloridice | Pontia daplidice