Metaplastes ornatus occurs in light woodlands (e.g. submediterranean oak forest) and in dry shrub. I found numerous adults in the foothills of the Pindhos near Grevena in Quercus frainetto woodland (individuals almost all on Quercus bushes) in July 2010.
Life cycle:
The adults appear quite early in the season, between mid- or late May/early June and late July. In August, only few individuals are left, especially in higher altitudes. The animals often rest in numbers on oak leaves and twigs. The sunbath in the morning or on cool days. Larval development ist fast in spring due to the young, nutrient-rich leaves.
Metaplastes ornatus occurs on the southern Balkan Peninsula (e.g. Greece). In the Peloponnese it is replaced by Metaplastes oertzeni.