Host plants:
Tha larva feeds on Galium and Epilobium spp. I found the caterpillar mostly on Galium album and Epilobium angustifolium. Very rarely even other Onagrace are used.
Hyles gallii colonizes clearcuts, roadside verges, meadows, but especially mountainous habitats with Galium verum or Epilobium angustifolium (e.g. Valais, Engadine).
Life cycle:
Hyles gallii is a migrant, whose origin and indigenity are difficult to assess. I found caterpillars irregularly near Memmingen (Southern Germany) in July and August in roadside verges on Galium album and in clearings on Epilobium angustifolium, especially frequently in 2003. At Schwäbisch Gmünd I watched several caterpillars in late August and early September 2012. Since the moth also develops mostly without hibernation in breeding when larvae are found in late August and September, there seems to exist only a weak predisposition to enter dormancy (more temperature-dependent?). This may limit the occurrence in the lowlands of Central Europe (failure of the in autumn appearing moths at least partial in warmer regions).
A origin could be sought in the vast and Epilobium angustifolium-rich mountain areas of the southern and central Alps. But this has to be analyzed in detail prior to verification. In any case, Hyles gallii is found there fairly regularly. I found some caterpillars repeatedly in Valais, even at 2400m above sea level on Epilobium angustifolium.
Endangerment factors:
As a migrant Hyles gallii is little endangered north of the Alps. But countless caterpillars are destroyed each season by excessive mowing the roadside verges and senseless mowing of young plantations in forests. In the areas of proposed origin the increasingly intensive alpine agriculture (fertilization, too large cattle stocks), the ski tourism and also
reforestation after abandonment reduce possible habitats.
The distribution extends from the Pyrenees across central and parts of Southern Europe to northern Japan. Hyles gallii is typical for mountain ranges (e.g. Nepal etc.).