Arctia lapponica (Thunberg, 1791)

Arctia lapponica: Male, drying its wings after eclosion (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [N] Arctia lapponica: Male, drying its wings after eclosion (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [N] Arctia lapponica: Male (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [N] Arctia lapponica: Male (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [N] Arctia lapponica: Male (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [N] Arctia lapponica: Male (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [M] Arctia lapponica: Male (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [M] Arctia lapponica: Male (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [M] Arctia lapponica: Habitat (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [N] Arctia lapponica: Habitat (N-Sweden, Abisko, late June 2020) [N]

Host plants:
The larvae are polyphagous, but are said to prefer Betula nana or Vaccinium.

Arctia lapponica inhabits Subarctic tundra, also on mountain slopes and in tundra bogs.

Life cycle:
The moths occur between mid- or late June and early August with peak in early July. They can be flushed, fly several dozens of meters and let themselves fall to the gound where they immediately walk to the ground an hide in the vegetation. We found an individual walking over the tundra directly after eclosion and expanding its wings on a rock. The larvae obviously hibernate mostly at least twice. In the autumn they have been observed walking around in the tundra searching for a place for hibernation.

Arctia lapponica occurs around the north polar regions. In Europe, it is found in Lapland and eastwards through northern Russia.

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