Tetrix bolivari inhabits similar sites as T. ceperoi, i.e. wetlands with at least small-scale open, wet ground.
Life cycle:
The adults are especially numerous in late summer/autumn and spring. E.g. in Cyprus they may be found throughout the year (own records in February). The beaviour is similar to other Tetrix.
Tetrix bolivari occurs on the one hand in SW-Europe (Spain and S-France) and on the other hand from E-Austria and NE-Italy (Trieste) southeastward to Greece and parts of Asia (e.g. Asia Minor, Cyprus, to the East to Central Asia).
Hints on determination:
Tetrix bolivari is separable by the large eye distance (at least 1,3 X). T. ceperoi is more diminutive, its central carina (keel) of the pronotum is more evenly elevated towards the rear and the colouration of the females is more variable often with green proportion. Boths species are easily separated from Paratettix meridionalis by the length of the hind wings which overtop the distal part of the pronotum (thorn) more than 1 mm in P. meridionalis.