Drepania binaria (Hufnagel, 1766)

Synonyms/other combinations:
Watsonalla binaria

Drepania binaria: Adult (Geißelhardt, northern Baden-Württemberg, August 2010) [M] Drepania binaria: Larva (Upper Rhine Valley south of Karlsruhe, September 2013) [M] Drepania binaria: Larva (Upper Rhine Valley south of Karlsruhe, September 2013) [M]

Host plants:
The caterpillar lives on Quercus species (oak).

Drepania binaria colonized oak-rich forests of all kinds as well as parks, single oaks, etc.

Life cycle:
The pupa hibernates. The moths fly in two generations from late April to mid-June and from late June to September. The caterpillar lives from late May to October.

Drepania binaria is distributed from Northern Spain and England across Central and Southern Europe to Asia Minor. To the north, it occurs with the oak to southern Sweden.

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